Every spring I seem to struggle with my fitness or lack thereof.   2019 has been no different, possibly even worse than usual as an unusually snowy February didn’t leave many opportunities to get outside and exercise and let’s face it, I’m not getting any younger.  Exercise for me is a balance of running and mountain biking and typically only happens when I have time.  At the end of March, I decided it was time to “make time” and decided that April would be the month to kick it into gear and exercise every day.  This might not seem like much to some, but both my wife and I work and have two young boys that are seemingly involved in everything these days (swimming lessons, cub scouts, soccer, etc.). Free time is not something that we have in abundance.

It wasn’t easy as life gets in the way more often than not.  Some days it was a just quick run at 4:00 AM so that I could be home by 4:30 to start the usual morning routine of making breakfast and packing lunches while sipping on coffee before rushing out the door to drop the kids off and get to work.  Other days it involved running circles around the park while watching the kids play out of the corner of my eye.  I’ve shown up to a trailhead only to realize that I didn’t bring my shoes or workout clothing more times than I care to admit and had to change plans.

It wasn’t always easy or fun, but – I made it.  30 days, 30 workouts.  286 miles covered, 45,222’ climbed, 31.5 hours spent along with many blisters and sore muscles as a result.  Happy to reach this goal and excited to keep the momentum going!